Psychotherapy – Felipe Santos
My child came out as queer – now what?
My child told me they are gay, bisexual, non-binary... or any other form of identity or sexuality under the umbrella term of queer or LGBTQIA+.
How to deal with emotions that may come up, as a parent?
What to do with this information?
How can I be present for my child and talk to them in an appropriate way?
What if it's just a phase?
For many parents, growing up in a different generation, it can be quite overwhelming to deal with one's child being queer. For some, it might bring up conscious or unconscious forms of homo- or transphobia, which might get in the way of being supportive. For others, it may be a complete lack of understanding and not knowing what this means to your child's reality.
In this service, I offer a double session (2 x 50 minutes), where we can take time and talk about different things coming up in this process, providing a queer-feminist psychotherapeutic background, allowing you to show up as a parent in a supportive way.
This service can potentially involve other family member, and can either be done in person (in 1060 Vienna) or online.